Farrier Services

Services Offered

Trim - $45

Half Set - $80

Full Set - $110

Pads - $130 + Additional Materials

Hand made/Specialty shoes - $160

Drafts - $90

Mini/Donkey/Mules - $55

Goat/sheep - $25

*Travel expense apply outside 30 mile radius*

Cold & Hot shoeing

We offer both cold and hot shoeing depending on your preference and condition of the horse’s hoof.

Cold shoeing is more common and faster, however a hot shoeing will create a stronger bond between hoof and shoe as well as maintaining the hoof health better than a cold shoe.

Hand Mades & Specialty Shoes

Hand made shoes are available, although the price will reflect this option. Shoes are made on site to the specific dimensions of each hoof. Specialty shoes including plain stamp, clipped, trailered, sliders, rocker toes, PLR and padded shoes are all available. If you wish to shoe your horse with hand mades, please notify Isaac at least 7 days prior to appointment.

Set up an appointment

To schedule an appointment call or text Isaac Kent at 218-770-7972

One time visits are considered but putting your horses on a 6 or 8 week schedule is highly recomended!